Finding a name for the new beast

Over the last couple of years, I have become a total cycle fan.  Discovering new routes, cycle lane, local country side has been a joy.  The added health benefits, with regular riding my legs have changed shape, my arms and lungs feel strong, my clothes fit more comfortably, and all round I feel energised.  Using less and less petrol I have saved money on the car expenses, but I don't have more money, because with cycling comes a passion for new bikes, jerseys and accessories.

Over the years I've had various bikes, starting out with a rusty old things that have been abandoned in the boat yard, Greek island equivalent of found in a skip. On an island where there where more donkeys than cycles, no such thing as a bike shop, now that's a real find.   I named that one in Greek γαϊδούρι  (gaïdoúri -donkey), and also meaning stubborn.  Rust brushed off with a wire brush and oiled with olive oil,  and marine engine grease,  puncture repair kit, flown out from the UK and a bit of help from friends, we got her going. 
After moving home to the UK, came Doris:  Drive on Road Intelligence System  she was my first new bike since childhood. Not really knowing the local terrain or where my interest would fall, I was well advised to buy a hybrid bike, that would do well on road or trail. Doris and I we explored the local paths, coastal trails and country roads.   Soon I was dressing her up, not with saddle blankets but skinny tyres and a few fancy lights.  I cared for her well, washing her down at the end of a hot day, and fed her not with buckets of feed but bottles of chain lube.

Now I have a new bike, and am lost what to call her.  She is light as a feather, and rides like a dream, makeing even Doris feel like the stubborn old donkey.

Giadouri, Doris and the new baby in the stable.

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LisaEmms: Striving to be sporty cyclist. Loves IKEA sofa & bacon sandwiches, a bit too much. Incurable student. Tech Geek & more.

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