Chilly Weather Cycling

We all know what they say:  There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing.  Well it is true with the right kit, you can still enjoy a bike ride throughout the year.

The answer is to layered up with thermal base layer long sleeved jersey over thick bib tights and woollen socks. So there is no excuse not to go out with friends even when it is just two degrees.  Shoes covered with overshoes, and hands snug in thick gloves.  It is chilly on the decants, when you are cruising and not putting in too much effort. Wind in your face, is nothing that a buff, neck warmer can’t cure. A cheap one from the supermarket, that cost under three pounds is worth every penny, and you can't have too many of these handy things, protecting your head and ears from the bitter cold and worn under the helmet.  

The only time you truly get cold is if you stand still, fixing the inevitable punctures, thanks to the road gritters,  expect more than usual. Make sure you have a tube and a pump, and or invest in a set of good winter tyres,  ride a solid bike.

Cycling home from a night shift, in the early hours of the morning today was a little chilly. Dressed in jeans and boots on an upright heavy bike, with bumpy tyres, a hoodie and a cycling jacket over the top, with a cheap pair of knitted gloves, that flashed christmas lights on the ends of the fingers,  We are not too old to enjoy the silly fun I felt like a kid, with the feel of crisp air in my lungs, cutting through the park, and watching the frost sparkle under the lights as I avoid the gritted roads as much as I could.  My day just ending as others are waking up.   I’m home, as others are de-iceding the car and feel pretty good too.

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LisaEmms: Striving to be sporty cyclist. Loves IKEA sofa & bacon sandwiches, a bit too much. Incurable student. Tech Geek & more.

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