Sparked by a change in Employment Terms and Conditions, my focus changed, refreshed the C.V. gained some new qualifications, yes I have been studying too, applying for jobs, writing well crafted cover letters, half a dozen interviews, sifting out the dross jobs, it's quite a pleasure to turn some offers down. It all takes time, days off suited and booted, and travelling here and there, selling myself to prospective employers.
So my cycling goals have been on the back burner, no time to sit in the saddle. Totally out of character as even in 2 degrees- January's fog and sleet, I have managed 50 miles or so. Demotivated by a lack of a place in Ride London, only going out once since the middle of February, local charity ride in Whitstable cancelled, life is feeling heavy and my general fitness suffering. My knee playing up (old skiing injury) exercise actually helps.

Time to draw up an action plan, set some goals and have a positive vision. I start by scheduling a training plan into my diary, a few short rides to get back into the swing of things, and then some longer rides out, it won't be long before I'm once again keeping up with the boys! and breezing through the spin class.
Sometimes it is necessary to simply say no, I'm busy that time and get on with the things that matter.
Get out there and get on my bike.
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LisaEmms: Striving to be sporty cyclist. Loves IKEA sofa & bacon sandwiches, a bit too much. Incurable student. Tech Geek & more.
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