Starting from scratch - after a crash

Slow and steady wins the race, but oh dear, how unfit am I.

It can be tough getting back into the saddle after a crash, it would have been easy to stop at the end of road, and walk back home, my ride uncomfortable.  I was huffing and puffing even though we took it slow and safe route, staying on the flat, worst of all I had lost my confidence.  

The bike newly serviced and the saddle hight was all wrong.    Stopping to get the saddle raised half an inch, and by the time we got home, it was more comfortable,  I wanted to go around the block to make a minimum 20km, I know that's not very far  - but starting from scratch to rebuild confidence, so little and often it is for a few weeks, to get back into some sort of shape to hit the road proper.

Summer is on its way, it won't be long before we start working the tan lines, oiling our legs as well as the chains, going for long coastal routes, stopping for the odd ice cream! Soon to be spinning up the hills again, I miss that feeling of achievement on the climbs and the wind in my hair no the decent.

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LisaEmms: Striving to be sporty cyclist. Loves IKEA sofa & bacon sandwiches, a bit too much. Incurable student. Tech Geek & more.

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